
What Do You Know
About LIFE?
What Do You Know
About DEATH?
Do You Know
Like the beauty of the world is for all to behold ...
may the information and articles here become precious to you.
Where will you go when it's your time to die?
You need to know this today. Tomorrow may be too late!
HINT: It is NOT through a church, baptism, or good works.

What Does The Future Hold ?
Exciting and EASY Study on REVELATION


God showers us with GIFTS every day .
1. Actions start in Heaven when our prayers go up to God.
2. Any trouble that comes our way must first go through God.
3. Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalm 41:1
4. Christ will never loose anything ... He died for you.
5. Don't depend on the ones around you, depend upon the One above you.
6. Don't doubt in the dark what God has showed you in the Light.
7. Dream dreams for God.
8. Every step we take in our own strength is a step in the wrong direction ... but every step we take in God's strength is in the right direction.
9. Get close to God. Hold His hand and lean on His Heart.
10. Giving equals the measure of our love to Christ.
11. God does not call us into a work, He calls us into Him.
12. God does things no one else can do just to show you it's Him. And that means that He is listening, and He heard you!
13. God doesn't steer parked cars.
14. God saved us for His purpose ... not for our purpose.
15. God will not lead us into anything that He cannot lead us out of.
16. Grace is always available, but it is not automatic. You must ask.
17. I may be down in the valley, but God won't let the valley bring me down.
18. If giving seems to be a sensitive topic, maybe it's because we have forgotten what God has given us.
19. If it is too hard to stand before man, then kneel before God.
20. In order to be spiritual, you must be scriptural.
21. In the Lord's work, it is not skill or experience that is important. It is the heart.
22. It is God's heart that all would come to him for salvation.
23. Jesus loves us to death ... He died for us.
24. Keeping of the law condemns sin, grace pardons sin.
25. Like the waters of Mira, throw Jesus into any situation and He will make it sweet.
26. Our lifestyle should make our Lord look good.
27. Real prayer is not asking God for what we want, it is asking God for what He wants.
28. Seek a church that is God glorifying --- not man satisfying.
29. Sin is being less than God wants us to be.
30. The Lord did not save us to have us sit on our blessed assurance.
31. The power of prayer is in the One Who hears our prayers.
32. There is no place secret enough to commit secret sin.
33. True faith requires fruit and fruit requires true faith.
34. We are ambassadors for Christ. Act like one.
35. We serve the King of kings and we should advertise that.
36. We should not be cheap when giving to God because God is not cheap in giving to us.
37. What is the forbidden fruit ??? chili beans
38. When God opens a heart, we need to open our mouths and tell others about Him.
39. When you are holding your Bible in your hands, you are holding God's heart.
40. When you choose not to walk with God, then you are walking with Satan.
41. You cannot fight a fleshly appetite by indulging in it.
42. Your friends should draw you closer to God ... not farther away.
43. If it's big enough to worry about, then it's big enough to pray about.