
What Do You Know
About LIFE?
What Do You Know
About DEATH?
Do You Know
Like the beauty of the world is for all to behold ...
may the information and articles here become precious to you.
Where will you go when it's your time to die?
You need to know this today. Tomorrow may be too late!
HINT: It is NOT through a church, baptism, or good works.

What Does The Future Hold ?
Exciting and EASY Study on REVELATION
Joe's Greenhouse
It is springtime and the Barovich family has filled the air with excitement. You may not know the Barovich family personally, but you may have noticed what they do for their community.

Since 1957, this THIRD generation family has provided food for our tables and aromatic flowers for our enjoyment. This special family is amazing. Let me introduce them to you. One of them hides in the background as a geek. Another has the warmest personality as he greets people in his bare feet. There is also one who flies in from Australia every year. I will introduce them to you one at a time.

Joe #1. It started way back in 1957. Joe #1 and his wife, Ann, felt led to help their community with their talents. They did the ground breaking work. Soon they were serving their community. Then Joe #2 was born.

Meet Joe #2. Joe worked hard along side of his mom and dad. When Joe grew up, he took to himself a beautiful wife, as beautiful as their flowers, named Tricia.
Joe #2 also has artistic abilities. That 'little mischievous boy' still abides deep down inside of him. In January 2014, Joe was featured in the Sharon Herald newspaper as he played outside with the water hose in the freezing Pennsylvania winter temperatures. Look at this beautiful ice sculpture Joe had created!

Meet Joe #3. Joseph #3 came along with the same adorable little boy in him as his dad. When we visited their business, Joseph gingerly came out to meet us in his bare feet and alongside of him were two beautiful golden retrievers. Joseph has worked by his parents side since he was a toddler. Joseph knows the business very, very well. He has great customer service skills and is very knowledgeable in the business.
Joseph has followed his father and grandfather in picking out a beautiful flower of a wife, named Laura.


Meet Jess. He's the smart mechanical person. Jess is also the son of Joe #2. Jess is the brains that keeps things running more smoothly. He is the behind-the-scenes guy. Jesse is the knowledgeable guy every business needs to have. Not only does Jess have great technical and computer programming skills, but he continually maintains the necessary machinery and equipment for their business.

Jess has also followed his grandfather, father and brother in picking out a flower of a bride-to-be named Arielle.

Now it's time to meet another family member. Meet Karin Hatch. This lady is super amazing. Karin is the Australian frequent flyer. Karin is Joe #2's sister. For many years, Karin came to Pennsylvania to help her brother and sister-in-law with their business. She used to come every other year, but now for the past couple years, she has come faithfully every year to help with the family business. Like her brother, Joe, Karin has a good sense of humor. She flies here to the states every year to pick peppers! She loves picking peppers!

Here are Karin's dogs enjoying the beautiful Australian waters.

Meet Linda Kovach. When you enter this business, you will see the smiling, warm face of Linda Kovach. Linda manages the front desk. Not only does Linda help keep things in order, but she is also right there to help. Linda has been dedicated for many years to helping customers. She is the right hand to Tricia and Joe Barovich. Linda chuckles as she remembers how a customer thought she was Tricia's mom because her hair was long. Then Linda got a haircut. This caused customers to then think she was Joe's mom! To make matters more comical, Linda is not much older than Tricia and Joe! Linda is a true friend to the family and a real asset to the business.

Meet Donna Jean Worona. If you happen to see a lady quietly moving around, that would be Donna Jean. Donna Jean doesn't say much but she notices a lot. She is a great helper and picker. Her dedication helps Joe and Tricia immensely. They are very grateful for Donna Jean.
Now that you have been introduced to this wonderful, third generation business, we would like to reveal this business that has helped to put food on your table for three generations. Meet the Barovich family, the third generation owners of Joe's Greenhouse and Farm Market. Joe's Greenhouse is located at 2265 River Road, Hermitage, Pa. 16148. Phone: 724-962-5511. The Barovich family also sets up a farm market in Sharon, Pa in the plaza parking lot.
When I first bought my plants from Joe's Greenhouse, I noticed that the plants were healthier than other greenhouse plants I had previously purchased. I was totally impressed with the yield and the over all wellness of the plants. The plants from Joe's Greenhouse grew larger and yield much better. The proof is in the pudding. Joe's Greenhouse plants, flowers, and products are #1 to us. Prices are very good, also.
The Barovich family would love for you to visit their greenhouse. Ask to see their snake tree while you are there. No, the snakes are not real, but there is a story behind that tree! You'll have to ask them when you visit.
Joe's Greenhouse and Farm Market
2265 River Road
Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: 724-962-5511
Monday - Saturday
9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Article by: Elaine Wagner