
What Do You Know
About LIFE?
What Do You Know
About DEATH?
Do You Know
Like the beauty of the world is for all to behold ...
may the information and articles here become precious to you.
Where will you go when it's your time to die?
You need to know this today. Tomorrow may be too late!
HINT: It is NOT through a church, baptism, or good works.

What Does The Future Hold ?
Exciting and EASY Study on REVELATION

Christmas Play
This Christmas season, we are going to look at some facts during the birth of Christ. Our play focuses around the events of the three wise men. However, these events are seen through the eyes of the camels. Our play is about how the camels may felt or thought about the birth of Christ. Also throughout the play, we have interweaved some very real camel facts. So keep your ears open for these camel facts.
Now in our play, we have three very real camels. Well, kind of real. And let's pretend that these so-called very real camels can talk. Also pretend that these three camels are the very camels that the three very wise men rode on when they went to see Baby Jesus.
Let me introduce you to our three very real camels. The name of our first camel is Maggie. Her name is Maggie because she carries a Magi and probably came from Media. Our second camel is called Persie. Persie is Persie because she possibly could have come from Persia. And finally, our third camel is named Babby. Babby is named Babby for two reasons. One because she may have come from Babylon, and two because she babbles a lot. And I mean a lot!
Camel FACT
Did you know that the word camel is an Arabic word that means beauty? In fact, every year in Arabia, they hold a camel festival. AND ... the most popular event of this festival is a camel 'beauty contest'! Over 3,000 camels participate in this beauty contest!
TAKE A BOW LADIES! (The camels on stage bow down.)

As we present this play, remember to keep your ears open to other different camel facts. They are indeed true facts about camels. Our main hope is that this little play will encourage you to love and serve our Saviour even more.
(Narrator steps off the scene now and camels are left alone.)
Hey girls, listen! I just heard our three wise men talking about going to see the Messiah!
What's a Messiah?
You know! He's that little baby our relatives got to go see in the stable. He was laying in a manger.
It is said by our wise men that this young child is the true King. They said He is the King of Kings. I heard the wise men say that He is the True Living Sacrifice for sin.
What is sin?
Sin is what humans have. Every human is born with sin in their heart. If humans don't believe in the Messiah and ask Him to take their sin away, then they can go to a real place called Hell.
Is there really such a place? What is it like there?
Well, I've heard humans say that it is hot. Very hot. Hotter than our desert. And it has flames of fire. Black fire. Their scientists say that the hottest flame is black. I guess that is why it is so dark there.
I hope people will believe on this Messiah and ask Him into their hearts.
Did you know that the Arab people use to sacrifice us camels to their gods? They did! It was horrible! This is a true fact.
Well, I've heard that this little human is the One and Only Sacrifice. Once and for all.
Do you think that will mean that we camels won't have to be sacrificed anymore? I don't like the fact that us camels are being sacrificed to false gods. I don't want to be a sacrifice.
Well, being sacrificed is probably better than getting eaten! This is a fact! Don't you know that us camels are a delicacy for people to eat? Yes, for real! In fact, the world's largest meal included one of our relatives being roasted at a huge Arabic wedding! The humans said it was their largest meal ever. Poor Aunt Cammie. Poor, poor Aunt Cammie, she
was the humans Main Course! How tragic! How horrible! And that is a true fact!

"Oh, poor Aunt Cammie!"
Now girls, that is not going to happen to us! Please listen. The wise men are talking about choosing three of their best camels, not to eat, but to ride on to go see their Messiah. Imagine being chosen to be one of the camels that get to carry the wise men and to see this Messiah!!! Wow! It would be such a great honor. Think about it, to be the camel chosen that gets to carry a wise man to go see the Messiah, this King of Kings! The Saviour of the world!
But we don't know where this Messiah is. How do we find Him? How far is it? I hope we don't get lost.
Shhhh.... I hear the wise men talking. (Babby starts to chatter) Shhhh... I can't hear them. Ohhhh ..... our three wise men say they are going to go see the wise men for sure. I wonder who they will pick? Shhhhh.... I'm trying to hear. Oh! Oh my! They picked us three! They chose us to ride on! All three of us!!! (The camels dance around camel style.) We got chosen! We got chosen! We got chosen! (They all shout.)
Soon the wise men have gathered all their gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh, and all their other traveling supplies. They saddle up Maggie, Persie and Babby with lovely, fancy saddles and bridles. They load their supplies on the girls for the long journey. The three camels listen as the wise men talk with a lot of excitement about the new King, the Messiah. The camels heard that their wise men knew which way to go. The wise men said they were going to follow the Eastern Star.
The STAR Appears
(The Star walks back and forth across the stage several times.)

(The Star calls and motions to the camels)
Hey you camels! This way! Ok! Now this way! You're doing good. Now this way. Hurry up! Hurry up! The Saviour of the world is this way! No! Not that way! This way! Hurry, hurry! Can't you see me? Open them camel eyes! Get your eye lashes out of your face! Yes, yes, I know the facts! I know that your have three sets off eyelids. So you should keep your eyelids open ... not closed! Oh, yes, you do have two rows of eyelashes on your eyelids. Yes, I know that is a camel fact. But right now you need to get the mascara off your eye lashes so you can see. Because you have two rows of eyelashes on your three sets of eyelids, you should not be wearing mascara! You are putting on more mascara than six women! So come on! Let's move it, move it!
(The camels try to hurry more, stumbling as they go. The Star continues...)
I'm shining for Jesus! I'm shining as bright as I can. I'm shining for the Messiah. I'm shining for the Lord of lords! (The Star sings a little bit of This Little Light of Mine)
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, etc, Let it shine, Let it shine...
(The Star stops and looks at the audience sand says:)
I hope each of you are doing your best to shine. Doing your best to shine for our Messiah. Shine for the Lord of lords! That is why you were created. To shine for Jesus!
(The Star prances around the stage and then stands near a corner of the stage.)
(Have makeshift windows of some sort. Reveal them as the camels come nearer to the 'house'. The Star is near the house/window. Camels proceed to talk...)
Oh, Look! A little house. This is so exciting! We got to walk right up to the house and see the wise men go in. Look at the wise men look at the Baby! (As camels peer into the window.) Lookie ... our wise men are giving the little Messiah presents!
Why did the wise men want to go to such a poor little house? Isn't He suppose to be a King? Is that why the wise men took Him presents, because He's poor? Is that why they took gold and all that other rich stuff?? I thought kings live in palaces. How come this King doesn't live in a palace? I wanted to go to a palace!
Now Babby, Jesus did not come to this earth to live in a palace. He already has a palace in Heaven. Jesus came to be a sacrifice for sin. We talked about that earlier. You see, some humans think they can be a good person to go to Heaven. But Babby, that is just not true. The wise men know that the only way to heaven is by Jesus being sacrificed for their sins. The wise men have a book called the Bible. The Bible says that only the blood of Jesus can cover sins. Good works cannot cover sins. This little Messiah came to die for all the humans in the world. But the humans must ask Jesus to forgive them and come into their hearts. Most humans won't do that.
If I was a human, I would ask the Messiah to forgive me of my sins. It never hurts to ask! And didn't the Messiah show all the humans that they should be content with all the things they have. Most humans live in a better dump than this house the little Messiah is in!
Well, I think it's a shame that humans are not content with what they have. They have a lot more than I do! I don't even have a bathtub!!! And, and,.... people sit on me all the time!!! How would people like it if I sat on them???!
Now Babbie, we serve God too! God created us to serve Him. And now we are even part of History! We had the privilege of carrying the wise men all this way to see the Messiah!
But my feet are killing me! Ohhhh, they hurt so bad! All four of them! Humans only have two feet to hurt. How would they like to have four hurting feet?!
(Persie lifts her feet in a hurting manner.)

My feet are hurting me too, Persie, but we shouldn't complain.
I'm glad I'm not a human. They complain too much.
Now Babbie, that's not nice. Just think, we were the only camels chosen to carry the wise men to see the Saviour of the World! God used us! I hope Christians get excited when God uses them, too.
Well......, I think....., if God can use a beautiful camel like me to carry a funny looking human, then surely, a funny looking human should be willing to serve God, too.
That's a funny way to say it, Babbie, but yes, humans need to allow God to use them, too.
Let's go get our wise men and head back home. We need to share this wonderful news about the Messiah with all our relatives and friends. They will be so excited!
Yes! We'd better hurry. We have been gone so long that our families may think that we have been eaten by them humans at their camel festival. Maggie, how come humans have camel festivals but we camels don't have human festivals?
Oh, Babbie. Come on, let's head home so we can tell others about Jesus!
(You can insert Camel Song here, if you want. See Camels Go Clomping song)
(All leave the stage as the narrator comes back on.)
We hope you all enjoyed our little play. Our hope is that each one of us will remember that we all should be as excited as these camels to share Jesus with everyone we meet, expecially during this holiday season. Let us all endeavor to reach out to others and share the exciting news of Christmas. The real meaning of Christmas. If a camel can ... we can!
(Poem and play written by Elaine Hutchinson/Wagner of All READ y created contents.)