
What Do You Know
About LIFE?
What Do You Know
About DEATH?
Do You Know
Like the beauty of the world is for all to behold ...
may the information and articles here become precious to you.
Where will you go when it's your time to die?
You need to know this today. Tomorrow may be too late!
HINT: It is NOT through a church, baptism, or good works.

What Does The Future Hold ?
Exciting and EASY Study on REVELATION


An excuse is a skin of a reason
stuffed with a lie :)

Do not loan money to a friend if you cannot give it to him as a gift. Do not borrow money from a friend unless you can afford to loose your friend.

If life is a bowl of cherries, then what are you doing in the pits ???

It's ok to have stuff,
just don't let stuff have you.

Opinions are like noses.
Everyone has one and
nobody wants someone else's.

Our thought patterns have a lot to do with the way we feel.
Loving never empties your heart and giving never empties your hand.

Our decisions are more important than the days we live.
There is no place secret enough
to commit secret sin.

We are tested to be approved.
We are not approved until
we are tested.
What is the forbidden fruit?
chili beans :)

You cannot fight a fleshly appetite by indulging in it.
The next best thing to a book is an oral one.